Extending EQL

Custom value conversion

When converting an EQL query all value arguments are first converted to an EQType representation before being converted into their respective Java type. Actual type conversion is then done via the Spring ConversionService. To create a custom conversion you can simply register a Converter that converts from the relevant EQType to the property type.

The following table shows how EQL arguments will be converted to their respective EQType:

Argument value EQType


EQValue: name


EQString: name

(name, 'name')


- EQValue: name

- EQString: name

users(name, 'name')

EQFunction: users


- EQValue: name

- EQString: name

By default EntityModule registers id-based lookups for all its registered entities. So supposing you have an entity User with id 1 and you want to query on a property creator of type User, the following query would work: creator = 1.

When building the EntityQuery the value 1 would be used as the id to find the User instance, and the latter would be used as the argument for the final query. If we want to replace the custom behavior and allow the user to be specified by username instead, we could easily register a custom converter.

public class EQValueToUserConverter implements Converter<EQValue, User>

    public User convert( EQValue source ) {
        return userRepository.findByUsername( source.getValue() );


converterRegistry.addConverter( new EQValueToUserConverter(...) );

This would allow us to execute the queries like creator = john or creator in (john, jane). Any type-specific converter will take precedence over the defaults.

NOTE The example above would only work if the username can never contain any whitespace. If it can, then we would have to specify it as a String instead and write a converter for EQString instead of EQValue.

Adding custom functions

An EQL function is represented by a unique name and can optionally take a number of arguments for its execution. Adding custom functions is as easy as simply defining a @Component that implements the EntityQueryFunctionHandler interface. All components of this type will be detected and checked when executing an EQL query.

The handler will be called with the required contextual data for the return type requested. If you want to use a function to compare a property that has a Date type, your function should return a Date instance as well.

A single handler can support multiple functions and requested return types.

Simple EntityQuery function that always returns the String hello

 * Simple EntityQuery function that always returns the String 'hello'.
 * Example eql: name = hello() or name in (hello(), 'goodbye')
public class HelloFunction implements EntityQueryFunctionHandler
	public boolean accepts( String functionName, TypeDescriptor desiredType ) {
		return "hello".equals( functionName );

	public Object apply( String functionName,
	                     EQType[] arguments,
	                     TypeDescriptor desiredType,
	                     EQTypeConverter argumentConverter ) {
		return "hello";

Custom EQL translation

You can register an EntityQueryConditionTranslator attribute on any entity property. If a translator instance is present, it will be called during the parsing phase of an EQL statement into an EntityQuery.

Ensuring a field search is always case insensitive

 .withType( Group.class )
    props -> props.property( "name" ).attribute( EntityQueryConditionTranslator.class, EntityQueryConditionTranslator.ignoreCase() )

Define a search text property that actually searches on other fields

configuration.withType( Note.class )
             .properties( props -> props.property( "text" )
                                        .propertyType( String.class )
                                        .attribute( EntityQueryConditionTranslator.class,
                                                    EntityQueryConditionTranslator.expandingOr( "name", "content" ) )
                                        .hidden( true )

An EntityQueryConditionTranslator or custom properties to use for filtering should be specified on the EntityConfiguration and not through an EntityQueryFilterConfiguration. The property customizations of the EntityQueryFilterConfiguration is only used for building the entity query filter form.

The actual parsing of the query and execution of the query uses the property registry of the EntityConfiguration, which is configured via the EntityQueryFacadeRegistrar.