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Frequently Asked Questions
Is Across free to use?
What experience do I need to get started with Across?
What are the dependencies of Across?
Which versions of Java and Spring is Across compatible with?
What is the difference between Across Framework and Across Platform?
Can I use Across without the standard modules?
Can I use Across for a non-web application?
I'd like to contribute. Is that possible?
I have a question. How can I get in touch?
What do you mean with "modular web applications"?
Can I use Across for microservices?
Can I add my own module to your list?
What is an Across module?
What is an Across context?
What is the Across bootstrap?
What is the module descriptor?
What is an installer and how does it differ from a regular component?
What is "exposing beans"?
What is "development mode"?
Developing Across applications
What is the meaning of the project structure created by Across Initializr?
Do I need a RDBMS for building an Across application?
What are the dynamic/application modules?
How is the Across application different from the Across application module?
Where can I find the documentation for module X?
Where can I report issues or request features?
How can I handle events published by other modules?
Developing shared modules
How can I create a module to share between multiple projects?
What is a good project structure for an Across module?
Can I access components from other modules that are not exposed?
How can I test my shared module?
Can my module extend another module's configuration?
How can I retrieve all beans of a certain type, even the ones created after my own module has started?
Can my module replace components from another module?
Can I manually expose existing beans from another module?
Can I put more than one module in the same jar?
I try to wire a bean in my application, but while I know it gets created, I still get an exception.
My modules are bootstrapped in the wrong order.
I added my module to @AcrossApplication, but it is not being picked up.
I would like to retrieve a component from a module that is bootstrapped later.
I added a Spring Boot starter to my project, but it's not added to the application.
Spring Boot compatibility
How is Across different from Spring Boot?
How is Across different from Spring Framework?
Can I use Spring Boot devtools with Across applications?
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