Publication model
WebCmsModule contains a default publication model for articles. An article can typically be pretty much any type of content, but usually it is something like a piece of news or a blog article.
An article is of a specific article type and belongs to a single publication.
A publication is of a specific publication type.
The publication type determines the different article types any publication of that publication type can have.
Publication type blog would represent a collection of blog articles
Article types blog and status-update would be linked to the publication type
Publication John’s blog would be a single instance of the blog publication type
Leaving on holiday today! would be an article of type status-update in John’s blog
Out of the box, WebCmsModule configures the following data:
publication types: news, blogs
article types: news, blog
template pages: /blog/*, /news/*
news with article type news and template page /news/*
blogs with article type blog and template page /blog/*
Domain implementation
Represents a single article.
is an implementation of a publishable WebCmsAsset
The properties title
, subTitle
and description
are metadata properties of an article.
The bulk of the article content is represented as a collection of components and can be configured on application level.
Properties articleType
and publication
refer to the WebCmsArticleType
and WebCmsPublication
of the article respectively.
See Configuring your own publication model for an example component configuration.
An article is considered an asset with an endpoint URL. When saving an article, a URL will always be created combining the title of the article with the canonical path of the publication template page.
Represents the specific type of an article.
is an implementation of WebCmsTypeSpecifier
The article type is used to determine the components that should be added to an article of that type.
The default components are the members of a container linked to the article type and will be cloned to every article created.
The name of the default component container is contentTemplate, but the name can be configured by setting the contentTemplate attribute on the WebCmsArticleType
An article type can also use the component container from another article type.
The article type to reuse the component container from can be configured by setting the parent attribute to the typeKey
of the other article type.
An article is always linked to a single article type.
See Configuring your own publication model for a full example.
Represents a named collection of articles.
is an implementation of a publishable WebCmsAsset
Property publicationType
refers to the WebCmsPublicationType
of the publication.
Property articleTemplatePage
links to a WebCmsPage
that represents the template layout of the article.
When saving an article, the canonicalPath
of the template page will be used as pattern (usually prefix) for the article URL.
The template page model will also be loaded automatically when rendering an article, see Web infrastructure for more information.
An article is always linked to a single publication.
Represents the specific type of a publication.
is an implementation of WebCmsTypeSpecifier
The publication type defines the different article types that are allowed in a publication of that type.
Services and repositories
The following repositories are available for managing the publication related domain model:
If you want to change the strategy for default components, see the WebCmsDefaultComponentsService .
Administrative UI
The default configuration allows managing publications and articles from the administration UI. Both article type and publication type are assumed to be installed using code.
Enabling/disabling managing of article type or publication type can be done by modifying the EntityModule configuration of WebCmsArticleType
and WebCmsPublicationType
Web infrastructure
Any WebCmsArticle
will automatically create a WebCmsAssetEndpoint
with generated URL values.
Default article controller model
When requesting an article endpoint a default model will be rendered:
the template rendered will be determined by the
that is the article template of theWebCmsPublication
the article belongs to -
the components attached to the template page will be available as page scope
the components attached to the article will be available as article scope, article is also the default scope
the following model attributes will be registered:
being rendered -
being rendered (alias for article) -
the article belongs to -
that is the template page for that publication
The default article model is loaded by the WebCmsArticleModelLoader
Custom article mapping
You can create your own article handler by using @WebCmsArticleMapping
The @WebCmsArticleMapping
annotation can be combined with other @RequestMapping
annotations to create a specific match.
@WebCmsArticleMapping(publicationType = "news") (1)
public void extendNewsArticleModel( WebCmsArticle article, Model model ) {
model.addAttribute( "extraData", ... );
@GetMapping (2)
@WebCmsArticleMapping(publicationType = "news", articleType = "breaking-news") (2)
@IgnoreEndpointModel (3)
public String renderBreakingNews( WebCmsArticle article, Model model ) {
model.addAttribute( "article", article );
return "th/my-app/breaking-news";
1 | Handler method that will be used for any article in a publication of type news, provided there is not a more specific handler (see next). The default article model will still be loaded, this handler only adds a model attribute. This handler method could optionally return a view, but since it does not, the view being rendered is still determined by the default model. |
2 | Handler method for an article of type breaking-news inside a news publication, provided the article is requested using the HTTP GET method. |
3 | The @IgnoreEndpointModel annotation suppresses the default article model from being loaded.
The handler method should fully initialize the model required as well as return the view that should be rendered. |
Importing data
Most domain data of the publication model can be imported using YAML. See Configuring your own publication model for a full example.
Configuring your own publication model
This chapter describes a full example of defining a custom publication model.
We create an article type Job which represents a particular job offering. A publication type Jobs can only contain Job articles. And our publications IT Jobs and Marketing Jobs are example collections of different job offerings.
All required configuration is shown using the YAML data structures:
Defining the article type
We create a Job article type that specifies the different content fields any Job article should have.
article: (1)
job: (2)
name: Job (3)
wcm:components: (4)
title: Job fields
componentType: container
wcm:components: (5)
title: Company
componentType: text-field
sortIndex: 0
title: Job description
componentType: rich-text
content: <h1>@@title@@</h1> (6)
sortIndex: 1
title: Salary package
componentType: rich-text
sortIndex: 2
1 | YAML data path types/article specifies the block defines a WebCmsArticleType |
2 | The type key of this WebCmsArticleType is job, and should be unique within article types.
In a list YAML structure, this value would be specified using the typeKey attribute instead.
For a WebCmsTypeSpecifier the type key also determines the unique object id that will be generated, in this case this would be wcm:type:article:job. |
3 | Descriptive name of the article type. |
4 | Represents the components directly linked to the WebCmsArticleType .
In this case the component with name content and title Job fields.
The content component represents the content template for a new article of that type.
This means that when a new article is created, the content component will be cloned and attached directly to the new article. |
5 | Represents the collection of components that make up the members of the content component.
These are the actual content fields of a job article.
These fields will be directly editable in the administration UI and the sortIndex determines both rendering and editing order. |
6 | Special markers @@title@@, @@subTitle@@ and @@description@@ can be used to represent article properties. When creating a new article these markers will be replaced by the actual property value of the newly created article. |
Defining the publication type
We create a Jobs publication type that can only hold articles with our Job article type.
publication: (1)
jobs: (2)
name: Jobs
wcm:types: (3)
- linkType: article (4)
typeSpecifier: wcm:type:article:job (5)
1 | YAML data path types/publication specifies the block defines a WebCmsPublicationType |
2 | The type key of this WebCmsPublicationType , unique within publication types.
In a list YAML structure, this value would be specified using the typeKey attribute instead. |
3 | The wcm:types attribute defines a list of other WebCmsTypeSpecifier instances linked to the current entity being imported. |
4 | We create an article link type.
The link type can be any string value, but in case of a WebCmsPublicationType the article link type is used to refer to the WebCmsArticleType instances that are allowed in a publication of that WebCmsPublicationType . |
5 | The unique object id of the WebCmsArticleType that is attached to this publication type.
Because a WebCmsTypeSpecifierLink can hold a reference to any WebCmsTypeSpecifier , we must use the globally unique object id. |
Creating the publications
We create two publications with our Jobs types. Both publications use the same article template page for rendering the article.
page: (1)
- objectId: "wcm:asset:page:jobs-detail" (2)
canonicalPath: /jobs/*
title: Job detail page
pageType: template (3)
publication: (4)
it-jobs: (5)
name: IT Jobs
publicationType: jobs (6)
published: true (7)
articleTemplatePage: /jobs/* (8)
name: Marketing Jobs
publicationType: jobs
published: true
articleTemplatePage: "wcm:asset:page:jobs-detail" (8)
1 | YAML data path assets/page specifies the block defines a WebCmsPage .
In this case we create the article template page that we’ll refer to. |
2 | Though not strictly required we manually define a unique object id for the page.
If omitted, the canonicalPath would serve as a unique identifier for referring to our page. |
3 | Because our page serves as a template but it is not accessible by itself, we define it as a template page type. A template page will not get an endpoint or url created. |
4 | YAML data path assets/publication specifies the block defines a WebCmsPublication .
In this case we create our IT Jobs and Marketing Jobs publications. |
5 | The publication key of this WebCmsPublication , unique within publications.
In a list YAML structure, this value would be specified using the publicationKey attribute instead.
We can use the publicationKey to refer to our publication in both code (eg. @WebCmsArticleMapping ) and other YAML structures. |
6 | We refer to our newly created jobs publication type by using the publication typeKey value. |
7 | We set our publication as published. This ensures that all individually published articles of the publication will be actually available. If a publication is not published (offline), none of its articles will be published. |
8 | We link our publications to the template page we defined previously.
We can use either the objectId or the canonicalPath to refer to the WebCmsPage . |
Adding a sample job to our IT Jobs publication
article: (1)
- title: "IT Manager EMEA @ Foreach" (2)
objectId: "wcm:asset:article:job-it-manager-emea" (3)
publication: it-jobs (4)
articleType: job (4)
description: Supposed to be online until August 2017 (2)
published: true (5)
wcm:components: (6)
content: Foreach
content: A really cool job at a really great company.
content: Remuneration package discussable.
1 | YAML data path assets/article specifies the block defines a WebCmsArticle . |
2 | We set some direct properties of the WebCmsArticle : title and description .
Note that these are different than the content components, which could have the same name (eg. description). |
3 | We manually provide a unique objectId to our article.
This is the only identifier for an article and is required if we ever want to update the article through data imports. |
4 | We create an article in our IT Jobs publication, and give it the job article type. Note that even if we were to specify a different article type, the article would still be imported. There is no hard validation during imports that only article types allowed for a publication can be imported. |
5 | We publish the article upon creation. This makes the article available online using a URL generated based on the article title and the article template page. In our example, the generated url for the article would be /jobs/it-manager-emea-foreach |
6 | We update the different content fields. As each field is a member of the linked content component, this is the same as updating individual components. |