
What is a FolderResource?

A FolderResource represents a single folder in the system. It always corresponds to a unique FolderDescriptor and - just like FileResource - is managed by a FileRepository.

FolderResource is the equivalent of a directory in the FileManagerModule virtual file system.

Examples retrieving a folder resource
// retrieving a folder resource directly
FolderResource folderResource = fileManager.getFolderResource( folderDescriptor );

// retrieving the folder that contains a file resource
FileResource fileResource = fileManager.getFileResource( fileDescriptor );
folderResource = fileResource.getFolderResource();

The generic FolderResource is the interface that applications should use. You should avoid using specific implementations directly.

Checking existence

A folder resource object is only a valid handle to a folder. Checking if a physical folder exists is done with exists().

Some implementations might always return true on calls to exists() as standalone folders might not have any meaning for some storage engines.

Creating a folder

In most cases it should not be necessary to explicitly create a folder. Valid FileRepository implementations should transparently create all necessary folder resources when saving files.

If the underlying storage supports it and should you require it, a folder can be created explicitly using:

boolean created = folderResource.create();

The return value indicates if the folder has been created. A return value of true implies that subsequent calls to exists() should also return true.

Even if the storage engine does not support the concept of standalone folders, calls to create() should not throw an exception but simply return false.

Listing folder content

A folder can contain both file resources and sub folder resources. FolderResource has several methods to retrieve the folder content.

Checking if a folder contains resources
Listing the files in a folder
Collection<FileResource> files = folderResource.listFiles();
Listing the sub-folders
Collection<FolderResource> folders = folderResource.listFolders();
Listing both files and sub-folders
Collection<FileRepositoryResource> resources = folderResource.listResources( false );
Listing all files including files in sub-folders
Collection<FileResource> files = folderResource.listResources( true, FileResource.class );

Fetching folder resources

Single folder resources can be accessed through the relative path.

FileResource file = folderResource.getFileResource( "myfile.txt" );
FolderResource subFolder = folderResource.getFolderResource( "subFolder/" );

Any leading / will be ignored, the example using subFolder/ is the same as using /subFolder/.

The relative path is allowed to contain multiple sub-folders:

FileResource file = folderResource.getFileResource( "2019/06/15/13h00.log" );

Searching folder content

It is possible to search a folder for resources using findResources() with a valid ANT pattern. This will return all resources matching the pattern.

Find all files with txt extension anywhere in the folder tree
folderResource.findFiles( "/**/*.txt" )
Find all log files in a sub-folder
folderResource.findFiles( "2019/06/15/*.log" )
Find all folders named tmp that are a child of the direct sub-folders
folderResource.findResources( "/*/tmp/", FolderResource.class )
Using too many wildcards in ANT patterns can make searching for files in large repositories very slow. Always create your pattern as specific as possible.

Adding a file to a folder

You add a file to a folder by getting a FileResource inside the folder and writing to it.

FileResource file = folderResource.getFileResource( "subFolder/myfile.txt" );
file.copyFrom( data );

For most repository implementations, an actual physical file is only allocated when data is written to the resource.

Generating a unique file

If you want to generate a unique FileResource to write to, you can use createFileResource().

FileResource file = folderResource.createFileResource();
file.copyFrom( data );

This will create a unique file that can be written to, as a direct child of the folder resource.

Adding sub-folders

You create a sub-folder by getting a FolderResource inside the folder.

FolderResource subFolder = folderResource.getFolderResource( "subFolder/" );

A folder is mainly a grouping structure and not all repository implementations support standalone folders. If you explicitly want to create the sub-folder, you can use create().


The return value will be false if the folder already exists or could not be created (for example because the storage engine does not support empty folders).

Deleting a folder

Deleting a folder is done by calling delete(boolean).


The boolean argument indicates if the folder should be deleted if it is not empty. Argument value false will only delete the folder if it is empty, true will always delete the folder (deleting first all resources it contains).

Deleting only the resources in a folder

If you want to clear the folder but not necessarily remove the folder itself, you can use deleteChildren().


This will always delete any child folders, even if they are not empty.

As with calls to create(), deleting a folder itself might not have much meaning for a particular storage engine. Method calls should not throw exceptions but the return value should reflect the most appropriate value from a functional point of view.