Autosuggest control

EntityModule supports automatic rendering of an AutoSuggestFormElement control for properties.

Apart from custom autosuggest controls, configuration helpers are available for the common case of providing autosuggest for known entities.

Configuring autosuggest for entities

Autosuggest controls are never rendered by default for any entity or property type. They must be activated manually by setting the BootstrapUiElements.AUTO_SUGGEST view element type on the corresponding modes.

At minimum you must register the dataset that should be used for an autosuggest control.

Registering the dataset

You can use the AutoSuggestDataAttributeRegistrar component to register an autosuggest dataset for an entity type. It allows for several ways of configuring a dataset for a registered entity, based on the available entity configuration.

Example activating autosuggest control for an entity
private AutoSuggestDataAttributeRegistrar autoSuggestData;

entities.withType( Author.class )
            autoSuggestData.entityQuery( "name ilike '{0}%' order by name asc" ) (1)
                           .control( ctl -> ctl.minLength( 2 ) ) (2)
        .viewElementType( ViewElementMode.CONTROL, BootstrapUiElements.AUTOSUGGEST ) (3)
        .viewElementType( ViewElementMode.FILTER_CONTROL, BootstrapUiElements.AUTOSUGGEST ) (3)
        .viewElementType( ViewElementMode.FILTER_CONTROL.forMultiple(), BootstrapUiElements.AUTOSUGGEST ); (3)
1 Create an autosuggest dataset using an EQL statement. The EQL statement represents the EntityQuery that should be executed to fetch the suggestions for the control. The parameter {0} will be replaced with the input from the user. This particular query will select all authors whose name starts with the input specified.
2 In this case we also customize the control itself, configuring it so suggestions are only fetched when at least 2 characters have been provided. This is entirely optional, if we were to omit this a default control would be created which fetches suggestions as soon as a single character is present.
3 We configure an autosuggest control to be rendered for the CONTROL and both single-value and multi-value FILTER_CONTROL modes. As we configure this directly on the Author entity, this will cause any property referencing this entity type to use the autosuggest control.

Entity dataset configuration

The above example is the easiest way to configure an autosuggest dataset by specifying only the EQL statement that should be executed for fetching suggestions.

This will detect the target entity type (Author) based on the context and use the available EntityQuery infrastructure for actual retrieval of the results. Each result will then be transformed into a suggestion using the EntityModel registered for Author.This simple configuration also limits the number of results returned to 50, and that limit will also be taken into account when fetching the actual data.

Every element of the dataset can be configured separately as well for more fine-grained control.

Example customizing the dataset
private AutoSuggestDataAttributeRegistrar autoSuggestData;

private AuthorRepository authorRepository;

entities.withType( Author.class )
                    ds -> Author.class ) (1)
                            .suggestions( ( query, control ) -> authorRepository.findAllByNameContaining( query ) ) (2)
                            .maximumResults( 10 ) (3)
                            .resultTransformer( author -> new SimpleAutoSuggestDataSet.Result( author.getId(), author.getLogin() ) ) (4)
1 This simply downcasts the configuration consumer, avoiding explicit casting in the inner lambdas.
2 Fetch the possible suggestions manually using the repository.
3 Only transform and return the first 10 results as suggestions.
4 Instead of using the EntityModel convert the results using the specified lambda.

Dataset id

Every dataset will be registered automatically with a unique id in the AutoSuggestDataEndpoint. Unless you specify a dataset id manually, one will be generated based on the context.

For example, the dataset registered directly on the Author entity will get a generated id entity-author.

If you want to re-use the same dataset you should manually assign a dataset id. Dataset ids are considered part of the endpoint for the suggestions and should remain the same across application instances and restarts.

Using a separate dataset

You can also separately define and register datasets with the AutoSuggestDataEndpoint. To use a previously registered dataset simply configure its id as attribute.

Example using a separate dataset
private AutoSuggestDataEndpoint autoSuggestDataEndpoint;

private GroupRepository groupRepository;

public void configure( EntitiesConfigurationBuilder entities ) {
    AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer groupToSuggestion = candidate -> {
        Group group = (Group) candidate;
        return new SimpleAutoSuggestDataSet.Result( group.getId(), group.getName() );

    autoSuggestDataEndpoint.registerDataSet( (1)
                            ( query, controlName ) -> groupRepository.findByNameContaining( query, new PageRequest( 0, 15, new Sort( "name" ) ) )
                                                                     .map( groupToSuggestion::transformToResult )
                                                                     .collect( Collectors.toList() ) )

    entities.withType( Group.class )
            .attribute( AutoSuggestDataAttributeRegistrar.DATASET_ID, "possible-groups" ) (2)
            .attribute( AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer.class, groupToSuggestion ) (3)
            .viewElementType( ViewElementMode.CONTROL, BootstrapUiElements.AUTOSUGGEST );
1 Manually register an AutoSuggestDataSet directly on the AutoSuggestDataEndpoint.
2 Configure the same dataset to be used when rendering an autosuggest control for the Group entity.
3 Because the dataset registered does not directly implement AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer, manually specify the transformer that should be used. A result transformer is required for the control to be able to detect and preset the previously selected value server-side.

Property configuration

An autosuggest configuration can be specified both on entity and property level (including view specific properties). You can set different autosuggest control settings for a single property, just like with other controls.

Example using a alternative dataset for a property
entities.withType( Author.class )
        .attribute( autoSuggestData.entityQuery( "name ilike '{0}%' order by name asc" ) );

entities.withType( Book.class )
                props -> "author" )
                              .attribute( autoSuggestData.entityQuery( "name ilike '{0}%' and type = BOOKS order by name asc" ) )

Customizing the control

You can customize the actual client-side control being generated by setting an AutoSuggestFormElementConfiguration attribute.

If you do not specify a configuration manually, a default will be used which will:

  • search suggestions as soon as a single character is entered

  • show a hint of the best matching suggestion in the textbox

  • highlight the input string in the suggestions

Setting the AutoSuggestFormElementConfiguration

Apart from creating a configuration manually and setting it as an attribute, AutoSuggestDataAttributeRegistrar provides a control() method which does just that and can be combined with dataset specification. "author" )
         autoSuggestData.dataSetId( "authorSearch" ) (1)
                        .control( ctl -> ctl.minLength( 3 ).showHint( false ) ) (2)
1 Specify the dataset by id, assuming it has been registered separately.
2 Configure the control that should be used.
Control configuration and dataset

When setting an AutoSuggestFormElementConfiguration it is not strictly required to configure a dataset as attribute. If a dataset is configured (as in all previous examples) it will replace the default dataset which is set on the control configuration. If a dataset has not yet been configured for the current configuration, it must be configured on the AutoSuggestFormElementConfiguration instead.

If you want to avoid the default dataset of your configuration to be replaced, explicitly specify an empty string as dataset id.
Using a ViewElementPostProcessor

If you want to customize the control itself after it has been built, you can do so by adding a ViewElementPostProcessor. The actual control built will be of type AutoSuggestFormElement (for a single-value control) or NodeViewElement (which contains an AutoSuggestFormElement - for a multi-value control).

Example registering a post-processor for a single-value autosuggest control
entities.withType( Author.class )
        .viewElementType( ViewElementMode.CONTROL, BootstrapUiElements.AUTOSUGGEST )
                ViewElementMode.CONTROL, (builderContext, autosuggest) -> /* customize the control */

Custom autosuggest control rendering

You can render an autosuggest control for any property by either:

  • setting a fully configured AutoSuggestFormElementConfiguration attribute and a AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer attribute

  • setting a dataset id of a dataset that implements AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer (eg. an InitializingAutoSuggestDataSet)

  • setting a dataset id and a AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer attribute directly

The AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer is required for the control to be able to pre-select a previously selected property value (server-side).

Example custom registration of autosuggest control

In this example a User has a list of addresses, where each Address has a city. The value of city is simply the city name - a String. This example configures autosuggest of some common cities, but allowing any value.

List<String> cities = Arrays.asList( "Antwerp", "Brussels", "Ghent", "Kortrijk", "Hasselt" ); (1)

        AutoSuggestDataSet.forControl() (2)
                          .suggestionsLoader( ( query, controlName ) ->
                                                            .filter( candidate -> StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase( candidate, query ) )
                                                            .map( SimpleAutoSuggestDataSet.Result::of )
                                                            .collect( Collectors.toList() ) )
                          .resultTransformer( SimpleAutoSuggestDataSet.Result::of )

entities.withType( User.class )
                props -> "address[].city" ) (3)
                              .viewElementType( ViewElementMode.CONTROL, BootstrapUiElements.AUTOSUGGEST )
                              .attribute( AutoSuggestDataAttributeRegistrar.DATASET_ID, "cities" )
1 The list of city names to autosuggest.
2 Register an autosuggest dataset that searches for the user input anywhere in the city name. We create a dataset using AutoSuggestDataSet.forControl() which forces us to set a result transformer. In this case our transformer maps a city name to a suggestion result.
3 Configure the city property of each address to render as an autosuggest control using our dataset. Because our dataset implements AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer, setting only the dataset id attribute is sufficient.

Autosuggest infrastructure

If you are looking to learn more, see the source code and javadoc of the following components:

Component Role


Holds the datasets that can be accessed.


Helper for fluent configuration of autosuggest controls on entities and properties.


Responsible for building autosuggest controls for type BootstrapUiElements.AUTO_SUGGEST.