Generating controls for properties

Across platform provides base building blocks to build controls with the`ViewElement` class. More information can be found in the ViewElement infrastructure section.

When the bootstrap-ui-module is loaded the basic ViewElement representations are enriched with bootstrap 3.

EntityViewElementBatch -Generating controls for an entity

An EntityViewElementBatch is a helper class that helps you with generating controls for an entity. It requires an entity, an EntityPropertySelector and a ViewElementMode. The methods generates a collection of ViewElement for all properties specified in the EntityPropertySelector.

EntityViewElementBatch example
EntityViewElementBatch<MyEntity> batch = entityViewElementBuilderHelper.createBatchForEntity(userEntity);
batch.setPropertySelector(EntityPropertySelector.of("gender","name", "email"));
Map<String, ViewElement> elements =;
The EntityViewElementBuilderHelper can be used to easily create an EntityViewElementBatch.


An EntityViewElementBatch can be enriched with a map of builderHints to control the viewElement output. The map keys are the property names, the value should be one of the following:

Type Description


The specific ViewElementMode the builder should be retrieved for


When providing a ViewElementType for a property in the builderHints, a ViewElement is created using the ViewElementMode set on the ElementViewBatch. Only the ViewElement itself is created and not the label and corresponding formGroup. By default constants of StandardViewElements can be used. If BootstrapUiModule is present, default constants in BootstrapUiElements can be used.


Provide your own custom ViewElementBuilder that is used for building the element.


Provide a fixed element that should be returned

  • TODO

  • How does viewElementBatch work (Small explanation)

  • EntityPropertyRegistry

  • BuilderContext