Default debug controllers

Out of the box DebugWebModule provides some default debug controllers. These are all available through the top menu.

Section: Servlet context

Lists the servlets and filters registered on the servlet context.

Section: Across

Context browser

Allows you to introspect the running AcrossContext. You can navigate the entire ApplicationContext hierarchy, see the modules registered in the Across context along with the beans they created (and expose) as well as the configuration properties visible within each module.

As some properties contain sensitive data (for example passwords), it is possible to mask property values based on the property name. By default all property names containing password or secret will have their values masked. Additional rules can be configured with or

AcrossWebModule: Handlers and Interceptors

Handlers lists the different request mapping endoints grouped by their handler mappings. Interceptors lists the mapped and unmapped interceptors that apply to a particular handler mapping.

Security: Security filters

If SpringSecurityModule is present, this page will list the different SecurityFilterChains in order. When possible, the RequestMatcher will be written out, and the name and number of actual filters can be shown.

Section: Cache browser

Allows the user to see which CacheManager beans and Cache implementations are registered in the AcrossContext. An AcrossCompositeCacheManager should always be available but additional CacheManager beans from parent contexts or modules will also be detected.

Apart from seeing the cache and possible details, clearing caches is also supported.

Cache support

The existence of a Cache can always be detected, but details like number of items, hits or browsing the entries are implementation dependent.

DebugWebModule provides out of the box support for the NoopCache and ConcurrentMapCache.

Support for specific implementations can be added by listening to the DebugCacheStatistics event. This event is published by the cache controller whenever the details for a cache are requested. For example, EhcacheModule adds support for the EhCacheCache implementation.

Section: DataSources

Lists database drivers and registered datasources with some datasource statistics.

Section: Threads and stack

Lists the current threads with their stack trace.