Fieldset elements

A FieldsetFormElement writes a <fieldset> tag to the output.

Element and builder

The ViewElement implementation for a fieldset element is a FieldsetFormElement and has a corresponding FieldsetFormElementBuilder. A FieldsetFormElement can also be created via the BootstrapUiBuilders#fieldset factory methods.


Creating a fieldset

Given the following builder configuration:


The following markup would be rendered:


Child elements

Given the following builder configuration:

BootstrapUiBuilders.fieldset( "Author" )
                   .add( BootstrapUiBuilders.textbox() )

The following markup would be rendered:

    <input type="text" class="form-control">

Customizing the legend

The legend can also have additional child view elements, which can be added through the Legend builder of the fieldset.

Given the following builder configuration:

                   .legend() (1)
                   .text( "Author" )
                   .add( BootstrapUiBuilders.glyphIcon( GlyphIcon.USER ) )

The following markup would be rendered:

        <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>

Providing a value to the legend method will not give access to the builder for the legend element. As such, the following configuration will add the provided view elements to the fieldset instead of to the legend.

                   .legend( "Author" )
                   .add( BootstrapUiBuilders.glyphIcon( GlyphIcon.USER ) )