Default layout template

All admin web controllers will use a default template named adminWeb. You can customize which template to use by modifying the WebTemplateRegistry bean named adminWebTemplateRegistry. You can either change the default template or simply replace the instance registered as adminWeb.

The login page uses the same default template as all other admin web controllers. This means the template should take both authorized and non-authorized authentications into account.

The default template is an implementation of AdminWebLayoutTemplate. If you only want a custom view template file (eg. Thymeleaf) you can reuse the AdminWebLayoutTemplate class and create a new bean with custom name and template file. The default web resources and page structure (menus) will still be created.

Adding custom web resources

When the AdminWebLayoutTemplate is build, a BuildTemplateWebResourcesEvent is published which allows to customize the registered web resources. To register custom web resources (for example to customize the default logo), you can use an @EventListener to catch and modify the event.

public class AdminUiConfiguration
	@EventListener(condition = "#template.templateName=='adminWeb'") (1)
	public void registerCustomCss( BuildTemplateWebResourcesEvent template ) {
		template.add( new WebResource( WebResource.CSS,
		                               "/static/demo/css/layout-admin-web.css", (2)
		                               WebResource.VIEWS ) );
1 A WebResource will be registered for the admin web template.
2 The path of the WebResource file is relative to the resources/views directory. This means that the file is located in resources/views/demo/css/layout-admin-web.css.