Across Framework
Across is a Java framework for developing your application using a modular approach. It provides a way to define application modules as well as the infrastructure to run the entire application. Geared towards developers with a love for Spring, Across is both free and open source.
An Across module:
bundles technical or business domain functionality
explicitly depends on zero or more other modules
exposes components like services or repositories for other modules to use
uses exposed components from other modules
has zero or more installers taking care of things like initial data creation or schema migrations
is a single Spring ApplicationContext
An Across application
specifies the modules to use
sets up common infrastructure (e.g. the event bus)
ensures modules are ordered according to their dependencies and bootstrapped in that same order
runs as a Spring Boot application
Across Platform
Across Platform is a set of Across modules that help developers assemble applications.
There is an overview of all the modules with links to documentation, Git, Maven Central, and more.
Learn more
See the documentation for Across Framework and Platform.
There are also a few high-level guides and tutorials.
Arne and Steven gave a presentation about Across at Devoxx Belgium in November 2017