Across Framework and Platform documentation
New migration guides are in the Release notes.
GitHub | GitLab |
across-hibernate-module | Docs | API |
spring-security-module | Docs | API |
debug-web-module | Docs | API |
ehcache-module | Docs | API |
logging-module | Docs | API |
GitHub | GitLab |
ax-bootstrap-4-utilities |
ax-bootstrap-theme |
bootstrap-ui-module | Docs | API |
admin-web-module | Docs | API |
entity-module | Docs | API |
application-info-module | Docs | API |
properties-module | Docs | API |
Note that these modules are no longer supported in Across 6. To
replace file-manager-module
, you can take a look at the
module in the Release notes for Foreach Common
Java Libraries 2.x/3.x.
GitHub | GitLab |
file-manager-module | Docs | API |
imageserver-client | Docs | API |
imageserver-core | Docs | API |
imageserver-admin | Docs | API |
web-cms-module | Docs | API |
Across Web
Hibernate JPA module
The AcrossHibernateJpaModule
activates JPA support for an entire
Across application. It allows other modules to subscribe their entities
to the shared JPA EntityManager
represented by the
. The JPA implementation is built on top of
Spring Security module
Debug Web Module
Activates support for @DebugWebControllers
in other modules. Provides
facilities for introspecting a running AcrossContext
Ehcache Module
Activates Ehcache cache management support and provides debug controllers to view and manage the cache.
Logging Module
Provides logging facilities for modules along with debug controllers to configure it.
Bootstrap UI Module
The BootstrapUiModule
provides a component layer for generating
Bootstrap (v4) based web controls from
Java code. The controls are built on top of the Across Web ViewElement
This module is a base component for building user interfaces. Other modules like AdminWebModule and EntityModule build on top of it.
Entity Module
provides the developer with infrastructure for building
user interfaces to manage the entities of an application.
Application Info Module
Centralized way of providing information about the running application (e.g. start time, build number).
Properties Module
Provides services and facilities to manage collections of strong typed properties in a dbms.
Spring Security Acl Module
User Module
Provides a domain model for users, groups, roles and permissions. Integrates automatically with Admin Web Module and Security Module, so you can immediately authenticate with these users and perform role based security checks.
LDAP Module
provides a services for connecting to
LDAP directories. It provides a domain model for
configuring LDAP connections and integrating them with an
authentication layer. If UserModule
is also present support for synchronizing users and groups from LDAP
will also be active.
OAuth 2 Module
Provides OAuth 2 related domain model and infrastructure using the deprecated Spring Security OAuth 2 project and the UserModule domain model.
File Manager Module
Across standard module that provides a set of uniform services for managing files in different types of file/blob repositories.
Image Server Module
provides functionality for serving images in
different resolutions. It can be used as an alternative to an actual
Image CDN like Cloudinary when you need to
have the functionality inside your app (or local network).
Image Server Admin UI
adds some Admin Web controllers for managing
basic things of your ImageServer:
- managing resolutions
- uploading an image
- viewing an image by its unique key
Web Content Management
provides some basic web content management features for
your Across application.