
EntityModule provides the developer with infrastructure for building user interfaces to manage the entities of an application. Combined with AdminWebModule it attempts to automatically generate a UI based on entity metadata.

How it works

At the heart is the EntityRegistry, which contains a map of all available entities in the application. An entity is backed by an EntityConfiguration, which is a full meta model of what makes up the entity and possibly how it can be identified, fetched and persisted. Based on the available entity model, default administration screens in Admin Web can be generated. These can also be fully customized and extended using configuration classes and custom components.

Spring Data support

EntityModule has built-in support for Spring Data repositories. All Spring Data repositories in an application will be detected and registered. A CRUD UI for those entities will be available with sorting and searching capabilities where possible.


The EntityModule dependency is present in Across Platform.


Getting started

A good introduction can be found in the quick start.