Annotation Interface AcrossApplication

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) @Documented @EnableAcrossContext @AutoConfigurationPackage(basePackages="should.only.match.application.package") @SpringBootConfiguration @EnableAutoConfiguration @Import({ApplicationModuleImportSelector.class,AcrossAutoConfigurationImportSelector.class,ExtendModuleAutoConfiguration.class,com.foreach.across.config.ApplicationAutoConfigurationPackage.class,com.foreach.across.config.ApplicationModuleAutoConfigurationPackage.class,IllegalConfigurationValidator.class}) public @interface AcrossApplication
Annotation that merges EnableAcrossContext together with Spring Boot configuration classes for web applications. Supports most attributes that EnableAcrossContext does, but allows for minimal configuration of an application. Optionally adds support for dynamic modules based on the enableDynamicModules() value.

NOTE: Even though this class defines EnableAutoConfiguration, it will explicitly disable auto configuration in the ApplicationModuleImportSelector. The annotation is added for better IDE support. Actual auto-configuration is done by the AcrossAutoConfigurationImportSelector.

Arne Vandamme
  • Element Details

    • displayName

      String displayName
      Display name that should be used for the context. If empty, the property value of across.displayName will be used instead. If no property value is specified, the simple class name of the class that holds the annotation will be used.
    • enableDynamicModules

      boolean enableDynamicModules
      If enabled, this will register a AcrossDynamicModulesConfiguration and will scan for dynamic modules based on the package of the importing class.
    • autoConfiguration

      boolean autoConfiguration
      If enabled, Spring Boot auto-configuration will be attempted.
    • modules

      String[] modules
      Array of AcrossModule names that should be configured if auto configuration is enabled. These will be added to the AcrossContext before any configured module beans and before the AcrossContextConfigurer instances are called.
    • excludeFromScanning

      String[] excludeFromScanning
      Array of AcrossModule names that should never be resolved through scanning, no matter the values of scanForRequiredModules() and scanForOptionalModules().
    • scanForRequiredModules

      boolean scanForRequiredModules
      If auto configuration is enabled, should required modules be scanned for? All modules configured using the modules() attribute are considered to be required.
    • scanForOptionalModules

      boolean scanForOptionalModules
      If auto configuration is enabled, should optional modules be scanned for?
    • modulePackages

      String[] modulePackages
      Set of packages that should be scanned for modules. The standard modules packages as well as the package of the importing class will be used as well. If you do not want this, you should add . (dot) as a package name. In that case only explicitly defined module packages will be used.
    • modulePackageClasses

      Class<?>[] modulePackageClasses
      Type-safe alternative to modulePackages() for specifying the packages to scan for modules. The package of each class specified will be scanned.

      Consider creating a special no-op marker class or interface in each package that serves no purpose other than being referenced by this attribute.

      The default packages will always apply as well, if you do not want this you should define . (dot) in modulePackages()

    • moduleConfigurationPackages

      String[] moduleConfigurationPackages
      Set of packages that should be scanned for ModuleConfiguration classes. If empty the sub-packages config and extensions of the importing class will be used.
    • moduleConfigurationPackageClasses

      Class<?>[] moduleConfigurationPackageClasses
      Type-safe alternative to moduleConfigurationPackages() for specifying the packages to scan for ModuleConfiguration classes. The package of each class specified will be scanned.

      Consider creating a special no-op marker class or interface in each package that serves no purpose other than being referenced by this attribute.

    • excludeAutoConfigurations

      Class<?>[] excludeAutoConfigurations
      Array of AutoConfiguration classes that should not be enabled. The provided classes will be excluded in addition to the exclusions defined in the META-INF/across.configuration file.
      See Also: