All Classes and Interfaces

Base implementation of SecurityPrincipal ensuring the contract where toString() returns the principal name.
Configures Spring security support in an AcrossWeb enabled context.
An abstraction of a single action that can be performed on an item.
Represents an entire set of AllowableActions that can be performed on an item.
Fixed set of AllowableActions.
Set Auditable-related properties whenever an Auditable-entity is created or updated.
Resolver that attempts to load the SecurityPrincipal represented by a principal object attached to an Authentication.
Utility methods for authentication and authority checking.
Helper to create conditions that a set of GrantedAuthority instances should match.
Implementation of AllowableActions that takes a map of AllowableAction and AuthorityMatcher as input.
Implementation that will set the current security context to the given Authentication instance upon creation, and will reset to the previous authentication when CloseableAuthentication.close() is called.
Annotation which can be used to wire the current SecurityPrincipal.
Provides a proxy for the Authentication, where a request is only assumed to be authenticated if the the principal associated with it is in fact a valid SecurityPrincipal.
Enables Spring method security in modules, ensuring that the same AuthenticationManager is being used.
use SimpleGrantedAuthority instead
The security infrastructure bean is exposed and provides other modules easy access to core security related services.
Represents an Authentication instance for an authenticated SecurityPrincipal.
Represents an entity that has one or more SecurityPrincipal instances as parent.
To be implemented by any principal which represents an actual SecurityPrincipal.
Event fired through the SecurityPrincipalService to notify listeners that a SecurityPrincipal has been renamed.
Interface to implement the backend for fetching security principals for a SecurityPrincipalService.
Implementation of Spring security UserDetails where the user details represent a unique SecurityPrincipal.