All Classes and Interfaces

Adapter for EntityViewProcessor that fetches an Iterable of entity items and registers the result as AbstractEntityFetchingViewProcessor.attributeName.
Extension of a regular properties registrar that enhances every individual property registered.
Base class for an EntityQueryExecutor that supports Sort specifications on both the EntityQuery and as method parameter.
AbstractPropertyDescriptorAwarePostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement,Y>
Base class for an element post-processor that looks for the current EntityPropertyDescriptor set on the ViewElementBuilderContext.
AbstractValueTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Responsible for fetching the property value and setting it as text property on a ConfigurableTextViewElement.
AbstractWritableAttributesAndViewsBuilder<T extends>
Support class for builders building types that implement ConfigurableEntityViewRegistry.
AbstractWritableAttributesBuilder<T extends>
Support class for builders building types that implement WritableAttributes.
Responsible for checking if the view is actually allowed.
Applies a default filter to an EntityQuery: scopes the query to all entities of a given associated (linked to a parent entity).
Adds a header component to embedded associations.
Interface for registering a single attribute.
Configures the standard properties for any Auditable entity.
Custom ViewElementBuilder for createdBy and lastModifiedBy properties of any Auditable entity.
Custom ViewElementBuilder for created and last modified properties of any Auditable entity.
Helper that allows registering simple entity (query) based auto-suggest datasets and attaching them immediately to the scope of an entity configuration or property.
Holds the configuration for an InitializingAutoSuggestDataSet based on an entity configuration.
API controller for fetching auto-suggest data.
Registry for attaching a SimpleAutoSuggestDataSet to a particular endpoint.
Represents a single auto-suggest result.
Optional interface to be implemented by dataset implementations to indicate its possible to generate a single auto-suggest result for an object.
Creates an auto-suggest control for a property value.
Basic consumer that allows addition of view processors, setting the admin menu attribute and adding a custom access validation predicate.
BooleanValueTextProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Default ViewElementTypeLookupStrategy that maps the default ViewElementMode to a known view element type.
Event published by the DeleteEntityViewProcessor before building the actual view.
Builds a OptionFormElementBuilder in the form of a checkbox for boolean attributes.
Represents an EntityPropertyBindingContext for a child property of a parent EntityPropertyBindingContext.
An EntityQueryExecutor implementation that executes queries on a collection of custom objects, where a EntityPropertyRegistry is used to determine the property type and actual value.
CollectionValueTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Simple AbstractValueTextPostProcessor for collections or arrays.
Helper conditional to verify that AdminWebModule is on the classpath and the module is active.
Helper conditional to verify that BootstrapUiModule is on the classpath and the module is active.
Builder-like interface for customizing a GenericEntityPropertyController.
Extends EntityViewContext with settable properties.
Adds support for EQGroup arguments as well as null value arguments for EntityQueryOps.CONTAINS.
Uses a separate ValueFetcher for getting the value, and uses an attached ConversionService to convert the value to string.
ConversionServiceValueTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Implementation of AbstractValueTextPostProcessor that uses a conversion service for converting the value to ConfigurableTextViewElement.setText(String).
Apply Past and Future validation constraints that determine min and max date of the datetime picker.
Change the basic format of the datetime picker if a Temporal annotation is present.
DateTimeValueTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Uses a localized DateTimeFormElementConfiguration and the DateFormat or DateTimeFormatter it exposes to convert a property value to text.
Default factory for creating a new MutableEntityConfiguration that allows a number of DefaultEntityConfigurationProvider.PostProcessor beans to be defined.
PostProcessor interface for a single configuration.
Default implementation that attempts to fetch the items based on the EntityViewContext.
Default implementation of EntityModel that allows customizing the different methods using callbacks and delegate instances.
Default implementation of a MutableEntityPropertyRegistry.
Manages the EntityPropertyRegistry instances for a set of entity types.
Central API for auto-registering properties for a class into a EntityPropertyRegistry.
Default implementation of EntityPropertyTemplateValueResolver which checks if a resolver is registered as attribute on the property descriptor, and delegates to that one if it is.
Default implementation of EntityQueryMetadataProvider that validates properties using a EntityPropertyRegistry.
Default implementation of EntityQueryTranslator that uses the metadata from a EntityPropertyRegistry to retrieve the property type information and an EQTypeConverter to convert raw arguments into typed values.
Default implementation of ConfigurableEntityViewContext.
Base implementation for a EntityViewFactory that supports ViewElement rendering, and dispatches its logic to EntityViewProcessor instances that have more fine-grained hooks for interacting with the view rendering.
Scans a class and registers all its properties in the registry.
Applies default validation in case of a PUT, POST, DELETE or PATCH request (state modifying).
Simple implementation of AbstractEntityFetchingViewProcessor that delegates to either a Function or a BiFunction for getting the actual items.
Adds a delete button to the existing SingleEntityFormViewProcessor.FORM_BUTTONS if the AllowableAction.DELETE is present.
Responsible for rendering the actual delete entity page, and performing the delete action if necessary.
Provides a default modify and back button for a EntityView.DETAIL_VIEW_NAME view.
Extension of the default EntityViewFactory interface for implementations that support an EntityViewProcessorRegistry.
Separate EntityFactory that supports EntityWithDto implementations like SettableIdBasedEntity.
Central builder for customizing configuration entries in the EntityRegistry.
Event published when an EntityAdminMenu is being generated.
Event published when an EntityAdminMenu is being generated.
Filtered view on an association between two EntityConfigurations.
When the parent entity is requesting to be deleted, how should this association influence the delete process?
Determines if this entity is managed as a sub-entity of the parent (embedded), or simply a linked entity.
Builder for managing a specific EntityAssociation on a EntityConfiguration.
since 3.0.0 - use EntityViewLinks instead
Contains common AttributeRegistrar returning functions for things like EntityConfiguration, EntityPropertyDescriptor, EntityViewFactory etc.
Central configuration API for a single entity type in a EntityRegistry.
Contains consumers for EntityConfigurationBuilder.
The base configuration for an Entity type.
since 3.0.0 - use EntityViewLinks instead
Provider for creating a new MutableEntityConfiguration for a given type.
EntityConverter<T extends org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService & org.springframework.core.convert.converter.ConverterRegistry>
Converter to convert arbitrary input to an entity that is fully registered with the EntityRegistry.
Interface that provides factory methods for creating a new entity instance, or a DTO (detached) instance of an existing entity.
State object which holds the state after a typical entity form has completed.
Represents a feedback message that should be sent to the user.
Helper for registering an entity id proxy property: a new property of a specific entity type, which references another property which represents the entity id.
since 3.0.0 - use EntityViewLinks or the EntityViewLinkBuilder instead
Adds common actions (update, delete) for an EntityConfiguration entity to every result item.
Extends the default EntityViewFactoryBuilder with properties for a list view of entities instead of a single entity view.
Helper for resolving message codes in the context of an EntityConfiguration.
Base class for resolving common entity messages.
Interface for accessing metadata and common entity functions that are required by the basic UI.
Builder to create a new DefaultEntityModel or modify an existing one.
EntityModelTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Expects the property value to be of the entity type represented by the entity model.
Contains the web resources for the entity module administration UI.
since 4.0.0
Published by the SingleEntityPageStructureViewProcessor or the ListPageStructureViewProcessor during post render after the page structure for a single entity or a list view has been rendered.
Wrapper for binding values to custom properties.
Controller for an EntityPropertiesBinder which will perform EntityPropertyController actions on the individual properties present.
Basic binder interface for a single property of an entity, allowing access to the property value, updating the value, validating it and saving it.
Represents the binding context information for an entity.
Can be implemented by a EntityPropertyBindingContext to query for a property binding context and optionally load it if not available.
Represents the type of property binder that should be used for a value.
Utility class for creating Comparator<EntityPropertyDescriptor> instances.
Comparator that contains a map of property names with a specified order.
Generic controller for a single property on an entity.
Helper for generating a control name that can be used to bind to a property, both directly or by using an EntityPropertiesBinder.
Represents a general property termination endpoint, usually represented by its direct path.
Represents a property as a collection item.
Represents a property as a map entry, which optionally takes two parameters: a map key (EntityPropertyControlName.ForProperty.MapEntry.withMapKey(Object)) which is used as the map key in the direct property path a binder entry key (EntityPropertyControlName.ForProperty.MapEntry.withBinderEntryKey(Object)) which is used as the entry key in the binder property path If you want to use the map entry as a binder property, you usually have to create the specialized EntityPropertyControlName.ForProperty.MapEntry.asBinderEntryKey() or EntityPropertyControlName.ForProperty.MapEntry.asBinderEntryValue() first to access either key or value related data.
Represents a property as a single value property.
EntityPropertyControlNamePostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
prefer to use an EntityPropertyControlName.root(String) for automatic prefixing based on property descriptors, or a ControlNamePrefixAdjuster for actual post-processing
Builder for a configuring a single SimpleEntityPropertyDescriptor.
Central interface through which EntityPropertyDescriptor instances can be created.
Helper functions for working with EntityPropertyDescriptors.
Setting that determines how a property should be handled.
Contains a number of helpers for registering properties and customizing property registries.
Registry containing a collection of property information.
Builder to customize a MutableEntityPropertyRegistry.
Extended class that adds order information and a method back to the parent.
Central API for retrieving a MutableEntityPropertyRegistry for a particular entity type.
Registers a custom EntityPropertyRegistry that should be used for the view.
Selection predicate for a number of properties.
Builder for a combination of selected properties and a predicate they should additionally match.
Responsible for resolving the value that should be used for a template of a particular property.
Specific validator implementation for validating properties in an entity property binding context.
Represents a property value in a binding context.
Set the checked status of a CheckboxFormElement if a boolean property is true.
Abstraction layer for *simple* query construction.
Contains Spring security related entity query functions: currentUser(): returns the principal name of the current authenticated principal Supported property type is String.
A handler class that handles a specific EntityQueryFunctionHandler function and maps it to a Criteria query handled by a specific EntityQuery*Utils class.
API for converting or optimizing a single EntityQueryCondition.
Provides date related functions to be used in entity queries.
Simple abstraction interface for defining simple generic queries (in the form of EntityQuery) that can be used to fetch one or more entities.
Central component for working with EntityQuery and EQL statements for a particular entity type.
Factory interface to build the best suited EntityQueryFacade to use, based on a specific context.
Resolver service to find the most appropriate EntityQueryFacade to use for a given context.
Class that represents the configuration for an EntityQueryFilterProcessor.
Internal to the framework.
Builds the configured form controls for an EntityQuery based approach.
Processor and page executor for EntityQuery based approach.
Handler API for defining and executing an function in an EntityQuery.
Implementation of EntityQueryExecutor that runs against a JpaSpecificationExecutor instance.
API that provides validation information for entity query conditions.
Different operand types that an EntityQueryCondition supports.
Generates OptionFormElementBuilders for a particular entity type, where the list of options is fetched through an EntityQueryExecutor and custom EntityQuery.
Reverse parsing of a String into an EntityQuery.
Central component for creating EntityQueryParser instances and related components.
Base class for exceptions thrown by the EntityQueryTokenConverter.
Base class for unbalanced exception, meaning a token or keyword was expected but not found.
Implementation of EntityQueryExecutor that runs against a QuerydslPredicateExecutor instance.
Simple data object wrapping the different EntityQuery parameters that get submitted for an EntityQueryFilterProcessor.
Holds the raw and translated EntityQueryCondition for a given property inside an EntityQuery of an EntityQueryRequest.
Fetches the value for a EntityPropertyDescriptor from a EntityQueryRequest instance.
Responsible for translating a raw EntityQuery into an actually executable query instance that will be accepted by an EntityQueryExecutor.
Base class to register an EntityAttributes.OPTIONS_ENHANCER.
Interface for automatic creating of EntityConfiguration.
Base interface for querying the registered entity types.
Class for applying a set of EntityConfigurer instances to an EntityRegistry.
Contains the registered entity definitions that are manageable.
Registers an expandable detail view for an entity.
Represents the result of resolving a TypeDescriptor (for example from a property) to its best matching entity type.
Annotation to wire the exposed default entity validator.
Base adapter class for a custom Validator that by default applies the registered entity validator bean (named EntityModule.VALIDATOR) if there is one.
Represents both the view and the backing model for a generated entity output page.
Represents an entity view command object.
Default validator for an EntityViewCommand that performs validation on both the EntityViewCommand.getEntity() and individual EntityViewCommand.getExtensions() properties.
Holds the properties of a current entity or entity configuration being viewed.
Responsible for loading the required properties for a valid ConfigurableEntityViewContext, based on a either EntityConfiguration.
Contains some additional EntityViewFactoryBuilder consumers for common scenarios.
Helper to quickly generate ViewElement instances for a number of properties of a certain EntityPropertyRegistry.
EntityViewElementBuilderFactory<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElementBuilder>
EntityViewElementBuilderFactorySupport<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElementBuilder>
Provides methods to creating helper beans for view element generation.
EntityViewElementBuilderProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElementBuilder>
Processor interface for modifying a ViewElementBuilder that is being created for a particular EntityPropertyDescriptor.
Central service interface for retrieving or creating ViewElementBuilder instances for EntityPropertyDescriptors.
Contains some common factory/registrar methods
Contains utility methods related to view elements and view building in an entity context.
Central API for building custom entity views using the generic controllers.
Contains common EntityViewFactory configuration attributes.
Builder for creating a single EntityViewFactory.
Core link building entry point for an entity type.
Base class for entity link builder implementations.
Central component for building links to EntityModule views.
Supports configuring the url that should be redirected to after successfully saving an entity EntityViewLinksUtils.afterSave or reconfiguring the url on a ButtonViewElement on the page EntityViewLinksUtils.button.
The collection of supported handlers used by EntityViewLinksUtils
The collection of supported processors used by EntityViewLinksUtilsHandlers
MessageSource implementation using a EntityMessageCodeResolver with fallback message lookups for every message.
Contains common Model or ViewElementBuilderContext attribute names.
Helper for adding messages to the PageContentStructure for a particular EntityViewRequest.
Default processor interface for entity view processing.
Adapter implementation for a default EntityViewProcessor following the common ViewElement based rendering approach.
Represents a single EntityViewProcessor registration record.
Represents a collection of EntityViewProcessors, where every processor has a unique name and optionally an order specified.
Represents a specifically requested EntityViewFactory with its full set of information: the EntityViewContext the EntityViewCommand and its BindingResult the NativeWebRequest that requested the view the PageContentStructure being built and the template information
Generates OptionFormElementBuilders for an enum.
EnumValueTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Converts enum value based on message code if a EntityMessageCodeResolver is available on the context.
Represents a function value.
Represents an unprocessed group of values.
Convert the raw value of an OptionFormElementBuilder to a String and returns it as a valid EQL string: surrounded with single quotes and pre-existing single quotes escaped.
Represents a string literal value in an EntityQuery.
Supports converting an EQString to a date.
Provides rules as to whether a EntityQueryOps can be translated into a different EntityQueryOps.
Marker for EntityQuery parsing types.
Responsible for converting raw EQType instances into strong-typed arguments.
Represents an unprocessed value in an EntityQuery.
Implementation of EntityQueryConditionTranslator that expands a single condition to either an OR or a AND query of multiple properties.
Base class for managing an extension component on a view.
FieldsetDescriptionTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Post-processor that resolves a description text for a current property and a ViewElementFieldset.
Builds a ViewElementFieldset for a property.
FieldsetHelpTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Post-processor that resolves a help text for a current property and a ViewElementFieldset.
FieldsetTooltipTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Post-processor that resolves a tooltip text for a current property and a ViewElementFieldset.
Builds the simple form group for a filter control in a basic filter form.
Extension to the regular option generated that allows for a special "unfiltered" option.
Implementation of EntityConfigurationAllowableActionsBuilder that will always return the same set of AllowableActions.
Simple implementation that always returns the same (constant) collection of OptionFormElementBuilders.
FormatValueTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Uses a fixed Format instance to convert the object to text.
FormControlNameBuilderProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElementBuilder>
Basic consumer that allows configuration of form related options.
FormGroupDescriptionTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Post-processor that resolves a description text for a current property and a FormGroupElement.
FormGroupFieldErrorsPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Adds additional field errors to show based on the property descriptor.
FormGroupHelpTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Post-processor that resolves a help text for a current property and a FormGroupElement.
FormGroupRequiredPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Post-processor that will automatically set a FormGroupElement as required if the first control inside it is required.
FormGroupTooltipTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Post-processor that resolves a tooltip text for a current property and a FormGroupElement.
Configures a blank EntityViewFactoryBuilder for the a generic form view.
Generic controller for building entity views of non-associated entities.
Checks if there is global feedback present on the model and renders it in the PageContentStructure.
Renders a hidden input for a property.
Writes out the id in case of a registered entity.
Converts all equals and like conditions to case-insensitive like equivalents (EntityQueryOps.LIKE_IC), ensuring that the query is always case insensitive.
Adds support for null value arguments for EntityQueryOps.IN.
Implementation of AutoSuggestDataSet that also implements a AutoSuggestDataSet.ResultTransformer and allows for lazy initialization upon first use by specifying a InitializingAutoSuggestDataSet.setInitializer(Consumer).
Scans a registry for JPA properties and ensures that String properties are sorted with ignore case by default.
Reponsible for creating either a LabelFormElementBuilder or a simple TextViewElementBuilder for the label of a property.
Responsible for creating the default EntityPropertyRegistry.LABEL property.
Potentially creates a lazy proxy to wrap around RepositoryInvoker and Repository to delay the actual instantiation of these classes.
Represents a property value backed by a Collection that is not a map.
Responsible for creating a list view page layout for an entity type.
Builds the default page structure for a list view page.
Takes a ConfigurableTextViewElement and updates its ConfigurableTextViewElement.getText() value after passing the current value through the LocalizedTextResolver.
Represents a property value that is a Map implementation.
Registry that allows overriding properties from a parent registry.
Updates the message code resolver on the EntityViewContext with one or more prefixes.
Takes care of running all registered EntityRegistrar instances when a module has bootstrapped, and afterwards applying the EntityConfigurer instances from the module.
Helper builder that renders a textbox as a multi-value control.
Simple implementation that supports an unordered (set) of Strings as property value.
Manageable version of a EntityConfiguration, implementations must allow the configuration to be modified through this interface, without changing the core properties like EntityConfiguration.getEntityType() and EntityConfiguration.getName().
Base interface for managing registered entity types.
EntityPropertyController implementation for a nested property, the property value of the parent EntityPropertyDescriptor actually supplies the binding context of the child controller.
NumericValueTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Uses a localized NumericFormElementConfiguration and the NumberFormat it exposes to convert a property value to text.
Wrapper that generates the children of an OptionsFormElementBuilder.
Interface for delegating building of OptionFormElementBuilder items until a ViewElementBuilderContext is available.
Supports creating a Pageable from request parameters and assigning it to a specific extension attribute.
An EntityQueryExecutor implementation backed by a PagingAndSortingRepository.
Attempts to detect password properties and sets them as writable only.
Configures default properties for Persistable entities and known child classes.
PersistenceAnnotationBuilderProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElementBuilder>
In case of a EntityPropertyDescriptor that has a PersistentProperty attribute, this processor will check and execute for the configured annotation types.
Adds PersistentProperty and related attributes to entity properties, based on the configured MappingContexts.
Creates a basic EntityFactory from a PersistentEntity instance.
since 3.0.0 - use EntityViewLinks instead
PrinterValueTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Uses a specific Printer to convert the value.
PropertyPlaceholderTextPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
If the target element is a ConfigurablePlaceholderText element and there is no placeholder yet, this processor resolves the property specific placeholder message and sets it.
Renders one or more registered properties from the EntityPropertyRegistry attached to the EntityViewContext.
PropertyViewElementBuilderWrapper<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Wrapper for a ViewElementBuilder that sets the EntityPropertyDescriptor attribute on the builder context and applies additional post processors after the initial builder.
Scans for Repository implementations and creates a default EntityConfiguration for them.
RequiredControlPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElement>
Checks if a FormControlElement should be set as required.
Responsible for saving a single entity after a form submit.
Represents a simple dataset used for auto-suggest data.
Represent a single auto-suggest result.
Static version of an EntityPropertyBindingContext, with both entity and target being fixed values.
Basic implementation of EntityQueryFacade that wraps around an EntityQueryParser and EntityQueryExecutor.
Simple adapter for EntityViewProcessor that does not directly tie into the ViewElement generation.
Creates the form based layout for an entity.
Builds the default page structure for a single entity page.
Represents a single value property, always attached to a EntityPropertiesBinder.
Helper that aids in building a sortable TableViewElement for a list of EntityPropertyDescriptors.
Simple class for JSON serializing sortable properties.
Sets the position of the item being processed (in an IteratorViewElementBuilderContext) as the text of a TextViewElement.
Renders a list of items as a sortable table using a SortableTableBuilder.
Simple Jackson JSON deserializer for a Sort that was serialized without any special configuration.
Custom serialization of Sort with full details.
Converts a string to an EntityConfiguration by interpreting the string as the name of the EntityConfiguration.
Simple wrapper that adds synchronization to a Format instance.
Simple EntityViewProcessor that sets the template of an EntityView.
A FormatterFactory for fields that have a Temporal annotation.
Detects email types based on the Email annotation presence.
Unreadable properties rendered as password type will have their text cleared.
TextCodeResolverPostProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.elements.ConfigurableTextViewElement>
Implementation of ViewElementPostProcessor for a ConfigurableTextViewElement that will set the text property of the element based on a messagecode that is being resolved.
Creates a text value element for a given property.
Builds a OptionFormElementBuilder in the form of a bootstrap toggle for boolean attributes.
Extension of EntityViewProcessorRegistry that supports an optional TransactionTemplate.
Configures some basic settings for Undeletable entities.
ValidationConstraintsBuilderProcessor<T extends com.foreach.across.modules.web.ui.ViewElementBuilder>
Base implementation for handling jakarta.validation constraints.
Single interface providing fetching a value from an entity and printing it to a String if required.
Extension of a HashMap that represents a collection of ViewElementBuilders by name.
Represents a fieldset of other ViewElement objects.
Registry that maps ViewElementBuilder instances or element type names fo ViewElementMode.
Represents the mode for which a ViewElementBuilder is being requested.
Strategy interface that looks up the most fitting ViewElement type to create.