All Classes and Interfaces

Intercepts entity related methods on repository instances and executes before and after calls.
Enables JPA support using Hibernate as the implementation.
Builder for creating a custom AcrossHibernateJpaModule.
Custom TableGenerator strategy for generating long ids.
Convenience installer that creates the necessary columns for the default implementation of the Auditable interface.
Intercepts persistence calls on a BasicRepository.
Configures intercepting the BasicRepository methods when an entity gets inserted/updated/deleted.
Defines the pointcut for intercepting BasicRepository persistence methods.
BasicRevisionBasedJpaRepository<T extends com.foreach.across.core.revision.RevisionBasedEntity<T>,U,R extends com.foreach.across.core.revision.Revision<U>>
Shortcut interface combining the default JpaRepository with a JpaSpecificationExecutor.
Implementation of UnitOfWorkFactory that combines multiple instances to behave as a single.
If Dozer is on the classpath, this configures a DozerBeanMapper and a DozerMapperCustomizationRegistry.
Configures a proxy BeanCreationStrategy to support customizing the Dozer Mapper.
Customized replacement for EnableJpaRepositories annotation.
Enables transaction management in modules.
EntityInterceptingJpaRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,ID>,S,ID extends Serializable>
Extension to JpaRepositoryFactoryBean that adds a JpaRepositoryInterceptor to the JpaRepository it creates.
Base class for an interceptor hooked to repository persistence events.
Configures a standard SessionFactory.
Defines a generic strategy to transform enum values and their representation in the database.
Configures a JPA EntityManagerFactory.
Represents a set of configuration items for Hibernate.
Responsible for building the resources that should be mapped to the entity manager.
Allows a HibernatePackageRegistry to be configured.
Registry interface to extend a HibernatePackage.
CustomFieldMapper that initializes a non-hibernate initialized lazy field via a new session upon the first request to the object.
Shortcut interface for a JPA repository for an IdBasedEntity.
Intercepts persistence calls on a JpaRepository.
Configures intercepting the CrudRepository methods when an entity gets inserted/updated/deleted.
Pointcut that only wires entity interception for JpaRepository implementations that have a Persistable entity type.
Implementation of UnitOfWorkFactory that supports EntityManagerFactory implementations.
Creates the AcrossHibernateModuleSettings as early as possible, and registers it as a singleton named moduleSettings in the BeanFactory.
Checks if the transaction manager (and related beans) being exposed should be configured as primary according to the module settings.
QAuditableEntity is a Querydsl query type for AuditableEntity
QSettableIdAuditableEntity is a Querydsl query type for SettableIdAuditableEntity
SettableIdAuditableEntity<T extends<Long>>
SettableIdBasedEntity<T extends<Long>>
Base class for an entity with a unique long id, that allows the id to be manually set.
Configures PlatformTransactionManagers for use with @Transaction annotations.
Extension of TransactionAspectSupport thas accepts a callback function to be executed in a fixed transaction.
A unit of work factory facilitates managing one or more sessions, without having to explicitly know about the sessions themselves.